When we combine the unique and individual talents God has bestowed upon us, we can truly bring His light to the world as we strive to become a Catholic community of Love, Faith and Hope.
For more information regarding a specific ministry, contact the parish office administrator, Ceci Garcia at 269-857-7951 ext 0.
Christian Neighbors This ministry was founded in 1983 by the local churches to respond to people in need in our community. It is currently housed in the Community Church of Douglas. Christian Neighbors helps anyone in Western Allegan County who is truly in need regardless of religion, race, creed, age, orientation or citizenship. They provide the following services: Food Pantry, Thrift shop, Winter Coats, Back-to-School program, Thanksgiving Baskets, Gifts of Love hearts, baby layettes, senior program, Heating and Electric Assistance and rent assistance. Hours of operation 9:30am-12:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
Collection Counters This ministry meets on Monday mornings in the parish business office to ensure that weekly offerings are accurately counted and deposited.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)/Visitation to the Homebound This ministry brings the Eucharist to those who are homebound or sick. Ministers must be baptized, confirmed, and a registered member of St. Peter Church, practicing Catholics and active in the sacramental life of the Church. Training is provided.
Funeral Planning This ministry provides support and assistance to the pastor and bereaved parishioners when planning a funeral.
Knights of Columbus This organization brings Catholic men together in iving their faith at home, work, parish and community, based upon principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. They have programs focused upon Faith, Family, Community and respect for Life. Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, in the Fr. McGivney room, parish school hall. Visitors are always welcomed.
Prayer Line This ministry unites parishioners in a spirit of Christian Charity to pray for the needs of our parish. Those in need of prayerful support may call 616-795-9806.
Right to Life Committee This ministry helps to promote the Catholic teaching of the sanctity of human life- conception to natural death.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace This ministry builds and delivers beds to children in need of a bed and a safe place to sleep, so that "No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in our Town!"
Tender Hearts This ministry provides for our bereaved parishioner's family and friends to gather in our Parish Hall to reminisce and share a light lunch following a funeral Mass. There is a nominal fee.